This Simple Ritual 
Changed My Life
I went from 255 to 150. Thanks to my best friend Susan!!!
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I could hear people behind me snickering... 😥

It all started when I was on vacation in Costa Rica and I completely embarrassed myself...

We signed up to go zip lining. I'd never done it and always wanted to. 

We got there... put on the harness, helmets, and gloves, went through the orientation and away we went.

So, we went up the long staircase which, was very high with "lots of steps" and I was out of breath by the time we reach the top.

Nervous and at the same time anxious I edged over to the employee to get setup.

The employee looked at me and said "I'm sorry the weight limit for this is 235” I was mortified!

I could hear people behind me snickering and in all honesty, I wanted to jump from the top...

I held back the tears, turned around and did the walk of shame back down the stairs.

You must understand this ok…

I was being helped off and stared at by a lot of people. It was a horrible experience. I was so embarrassed.

We left the place as quickly as we could.

I could barely hold my head up to look into my husband’s eyes.

I was ashamed of myself and wondered how I let it get this bad...
 My confidence was totally shot, and I didn’t want to go out anymore. I felt miserable.

We got back to our resort, got changed, got in the pool, and swam up to the bar.

I broke down and started crying. My husband tried his best to console me.

Back from our vacation and back to normal life, one day I ran into my best friend Susan!

She looked great… I can’t believe how much she has changed.

She shared with me a “simple ritual” that changed her life!

I ‘d never heard of it and to be honest I didn’t care what it was, I wanted to know what it did!

She went on to explain how it takes 10 seconds daily to trigger and jump start the mind and body.

She revealed it had helped not only herself but also some of her other friends.

She shared the video that explained everything to me. Did you know our tummies have thousands of little microbes?

I learned that together, they make a flora – it’s like a little ‘city’ in our tummies. With both good and bad guys. The key is keeping the good guys and ridding the bad lol.

That is when I found we can promote the right balance, with seven specific microbes.

Could it fix all my problems? I don’t know…

I shared this with my husband, and after a bit, we decided we had nothing to lose!

I immediately started doing it.

The Results...

OMG, it changed everything. I feel fantastic, my energy level is through the roof and best of all I’m fitting in clothes I never thought I could ever wear again.

The visual change I saw in the mirror was exactly what I needed to boost my confidence!

Now I can go for bike rides with my family, I’m even keeping up with my daughter on our walks. I never imagined this would be me.

I stopped hiding myself when I went to the beach.

And my husband and I feel like our marriage is born-again.

And I did it all without AB crunches, without counting calories, and without any extreme cardio routines.

I am still eating all my favorite foods like pizza, brownies, and ice cream.

This " Simple Ritual" has changed my life...which is why I love to share with others.

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